Restored Legare 47 for Sale

Powder Coated Burgundy


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Powder Coated Legare 47
This machine comes with one cylinder, 72. Ribber dial 36.
100 brand new cylinder needles, 50 brand new ribber needles.
Inside of cylinders, bottom of ribber dial and set-basket , powder coated same color.
Sample sock left knitted on machine in rib and stockinet, so you know the machine is actually working.
Cone of that same yarn. (Fly-Dyed Light weight)
Crescent, weights, buckle, heel helper & weight, hooks, new cylinder spring.
Zoom spout bottle of oil
Sock knitting machine video
Legare 47 instruction book & Auto knitter instruction book (copy)
Easy Basic Sock pattern.
Help from me by email, 800 phone number or in person.
Everything you need to get started knitting socks except for stand and waste yarn.

Will be double boxed to protect it in shipping.
I normally ship by UPS.


For more on powder coating, click here

To view sock machines for sale, go to Sock Machines for Sale Page



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Updated February 6, 2005