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1908 Gearhart Circular Sock Knitter Instructions 
Creelman Brothers Manual
Creelman Brother's World Star Manual  Thank you, Laura Schickli!
Legare 47 Manual                      Parts section
Home Profit Master Machine compliments of Bonnie Smola,
Semi-automatic Verdun      also, see below for 's excellent instructions      Translation from French
Auto Knitter Manual 18th edition

Thank you, Kim Kulasa!
1 2 3 4 5 6


Harmony Auto Knitter Manual  

Part 1 Part 2
Imperia Circular Knitting Machine  

Cymbal Home Knitter 

Steber Family Knitter


Model Knitting Machine           Thank you Jacquie Grant & Sharon Hilgers! 1 2 3 4
English Beehive Sock Machine Manual          Compliments of Sharon Hilgers
H.S. Dundas Sock Knitting Machine   Thank you, Mary McCormick!

Harley Kay Marsland Manual   Thank you, Susan Moore!

The Modern Victoria  Thank you, Jacquie Grant!
The Modern Victoria Automatic Knitter (Improved - Foster)
Thank you, Kim Kulasa!
1 2 3 4 5 6
Harrison Sun Circular Knitting Machine
or 'Harrison Sun Ribber'
Thank you, Kim
1 2
Griswold Circular Knitter


 Coming soon!  

Harrison Sunette Circular Ribber
The Automatic Knitting Machine (Victoria)

Additional Aids - Instructions, Ads, Charts

Creelman Brother's Catalog - 1895   Thank you Gil Minty!
Creelman Brothers Ad/Catalog featuring the Dollar Maker - 1890   Thank you Gil Minty!
Creelman Brothers Catalog - 1922
Semi-Automatic Verdun Instructions as written by Sharon Hilgers
Tuttle Sock Directions, Simplified - courtesy of Deb Tetzlaff
Applying the Gearhart Tabulating Attachment
Legare 54/36 selvedge
A Few Creelman Bros Patterns/Ideas
Creelman Chart of Ribber & Cylinder Combinations
For more manuals, see Yellow River Station
Creelman Brothers-History

Karen's Instructions for Closing the Toes



Questions? Email me

Christmas StockingsCircular Sock Machines | Yarns | Socks | Patterns |

Updated 9/12/16